Its time to step up and take charge of your journey….

To re-connect with your inner power, igniting the fire within to a true state of fulfilment & freedom.

Guiding you with the support & empowering you with the tools,

to live life in your FULL power.

In deep confidence & bliss .

To feel more relaxed & energised for an easful life of joy.

Are you ready to take action?

To be guided through your path of expansion

Lets chat

Book a FREE ‘Call to transform today

As a teacher, coach & space holder,

I create a space where you can feel comfortable, safe & supported to BE you.

To open, to soften, to let go of your constraints and societal pressures.

Guiding & allowing you the space to expand into that new version of your most empowered, inspired self….

I have come to this space through my journey, to now share my wisdom & experience with you…..

Supporting and empowering you with the tools to find your highest, most purposeful confident self.

This has been a journey, all leading my many intertwining paths back to here and now.

I have gathered life experience through travels and living abroad with career experience and studies, intertwining everything I have to now put it together and share to YOU

Guiding and supporting with the trialed and tested tools for YOU to live your very best life, in your healthiest body and most expansive, wise and positive calm mind.

I love what I do and what I do is for you.

From my experience and absolute passion for a healthy and positive, joyous lifestyle. I hold space for YOU to become the best version of yourself.

I have created this ‘Collective space’ to bring together the most necessary modalities and tools that have been trialed, tested, studied and used to now share.

I took a leap from mainstream society, I listened to my heart and let my ‘mess become my message’

I no longer follow the crowd or what I ‘thought I was suppose to be doing’ to now be LIVING IT truely and deeply, in my dharma and purpose, to help and heal others.

I am simply doing what I love with deep passion & awareness to be gifting what i was put here to share.

All in aim to inspire those around me ready to take charge, to step out of their shadow and become the best version of themselves; connecting & inspiring those around them.

“She silently stepped out of the race that she never wanted to be in, found her own lane and proceeded to win”





In biologyhomeostasis is the state of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living systems.[1] This is the condition of optimal functioning for the organism and includes many variables.

I believe that to achieve Homeostasis it takes a balanced lifestyle. Within this space we have the ability to live at our healthiest and happiest Mentally, Physically & Emotionally achieving the highest and most positive life for ourselves and those around us.

A balanced lifestyle can involve many things and is specific to the individual however for me I believe in holistic health. Through things such as:

Mindset; Continually working on a positive calm, open, working mind always being challenged and learning as much as I can.

Physical Movement and Exercise, this involves some more strenuous but mostly fun activity in nature that you enjoy from light fluid movement to challenging the body through small amounts of good stress,

Environment; Is everything you surround yourself with from the work you do, places you go and people you see to the food and drink you choose to put in your body

Health brings happiness and this involves a balance of things such as; Exercise/ physical activity, rest, mindfulness, time in nature, healthy habits and eating. By linking these qualities in life, my aim is to inspire YOU to be the BEST you can be, living a healthy positive life.

“The holistic approach to health is multidimensional. It assumes that there is a complex connection between mind, body, and spirit.’SaltAsh’ provides a safe/ supportive community for likeminded souls to get come together having fun in the outdoors through exercise on many levels, sharing and increasing their love for life and themselves.

Become your best self, and cultivate deep, lasting relationships.


Upcoming events.

See the adjacent calender for all upcoming events & weekly classes.

To know more:

Simply reach out by phone or messenger on social media platforms (Facebook & Instagram)

To join us by booking:

Simply follow the link in each event or click ‘Join our community’ on the home page, top tigh corner.

Join our community

Because YOU get to choose how you feel….

And if we dont take the chance to do something new, we may just never change;

Change into that higher expansive, joyous, strong version of self that our soul is awaiting……

So if not now, when?……